the obvious solution?


Forget the fluff and content-dumping with hundreds of slides and hours of video that seems to be the norm for online courses— 

it doesn’t lead to students who learn, take action, and then brag to their friends about the success they saw thanks to your program.

And besides - you’ve got way more to offer, and you want to do it smarter…

You want to launch a program that gets your people WILDLY incredible results AND leverages your time in order to scale your business.

Guess what? 

That’s not too big an ask. 

 Dreaming about it, writing & scrapping ideas, and reworking outlines over and over won’t get you there either.

And you’re too talented and too unique to avoid creating this course altogether and rob your future students of the transformation you’re meant to help them through.

I’ve been there, and I’m guessing by now you’ve been paralyzed into inaction thanks to that looooong list of things you know (or don’t know) you need to make this thing a reality:


And perhaps your biggest fears: 

“What if my program SUCKS?! WHAT IF NO ONE BUYS?!”

Self-doubt has you spinning your wheels and panicking about how unqualified and incapable you are of making something like this work.

 Here’s the thing though...


And no one’s going to build that amazing, transformational group program or course for you while you sit there waiting for the easiest solution to fall into your lap.


You’re getting in your own way.

The good news?

I’m here to point you 👉 in the right direction 👉 and show you the “how” behind creating a program that rocks your students’ socks off.




Dream no more, my friend!

There’s something I want to show you that other course creation coaches aren’t talking about...

Actual teaching methodologies, curriculum design strategies, and instructional design theory that, when paired with your secret sauce, create an innovative group program that’s above and beyond any other course in your niche.

And if you want your students to not only learn the material but USE it... you NEED to create content that’s clear, digestible, engaging, and strategic.

This is how we create a program that delivers the massive, long-lasting results they’re looking for.


You’ve got the heart to serve and the knowledge to give. Now, I’m going to help you create a program from A-Z with all 3 of these key pieces.

After completing the Powerful Program Accelerator, you’ll walk away with a group program so good, you’ll be forced to start a waitlist for your next round before Round 1 even begins.

I knew it would be really helpful to work with Rochelle, but I had no idea that it would be THIS helpful. This was incredible. Rochelle made it easy, doable, manageable, and step-by-step. In just a few hours, I had my entire course planned, outlined, with every resource and learning material identified. I was extremely overwhelmed and stressed before I met with her, but now, I’m excited and have an amazing course to offer my students.
— Jared R., Esoteric Egypt
I wanted to say thank you so much for your support. I’m just so fucking grateful for you. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. It’s coming together so beautifully and powerfully. I wouldn’t have any of this without you. Your never ending support and encouragement has been literally life changing! I love you so much. Thank you for helping me bring my dreams to life. You have the biggest heart ever and I am so appreciative of all your hard work.
— AnnMarie E., ADHD Business University


Are you willing to set aside your own ego, your own wants, and show up in a way that your students need?

I thought so - that’s the first and most important step in building a group program - I’ll show you the rest. 

Hi, I’m Rochelle,

and my goal is for you to not only build and execute your high-ticket course but be the GO-TO expert for whatever field you’re in. If you can skyrocket your client results, but aren’t sure how to package your frameworks and methods into a group program, you’re in the right place. 

I created my first course on American Sign Language in my early 20s, when I was very sick and still needed to make money from home to support myself and my six kids.

When I eventually pivoted into helping other experts and creators design their own powerful programs, I noticed two problems:

1️⃣ I watched students get burned left and right with crappy courses that didn't deliver on their snazzy sales page promises. 

2️⃣ I saw many course creators struggling to deliver incredible programs that they loved and could be proud of. So many stopped, gave up, put it off, or used methods that wound up hurting their business or their health. 

I knew there had to be a way to get students results AND amazing customer service AND make it efficient, easy, and enjoyable. So, I found it - proven strategies, intentional program design, and the methods that keep students learning, transforming, and coming back for more.

Here we are, 9 years later and I’ve built 26 online courses and taught over 42,900 students. The completion rates for these courses range from 30-90% (compared to the industry average of 3%...not joking).

Now, I want to teach you how to create a course that gets massive results and creates buzz in your industry through the Powerful Program Accelerator.

And even deeper than that, I want to help you get your message out into the world, make an impact that you desire, and do it in a way that’s sustainable, energetic, and easy.

I hope you’re ready to take all of your badassery and create a course that brings you more time, money, impact, and fulfillment than you’ve ever had in your career - your future students are waiting!


The Powerful Program Accelerator Pod

A complete A-Z solution for entrepreneurs, coaches, and experts ready to take the guesswork and overwhelm out of building their group program from the ground up.

This is your invitation to stop waiting, planning, and doubting yourself and ACCELERATE your course—and your business.

In the Powerful Program Accelerator Pod,


You’ll learn curriculum design, crafting and building lessons, skill development, and how to create course content that doesn't just give information, but guides the students to their transformation.


We teach you how to develop a student experience that leaves them feeling valued, loved on, and seen—WITHOUT you spending hours every day in the course & community.


And provide you with the systems and automations that make it easy to run your program—and nothing gets overlooked, missed, or pushed off until later. Plus, it will be a piece of cake to outsource and hand off as your business & team scale.


Low completion rates and refund requests will NOT be an issue in your course.

Together, we’ll build out each and every lesson with intention and strategy so you feel 100% confident when you go to sell.



What you’ll learn in the powerful program process:

Phase 1: Activate

  • Design the core curriculum that addresses the blocks, pains, and problems your people experience and delivers REAL transformation.

  • Build up your confidence in your program, knowing that you're providing real results.

  • How to charge and stick to your high-ticket prices and become known as the go-to expert that you can trust.


Phase 2: Vitalize

  • How to weave your student support throughout your entire program so that you can both have your students feel LOVED on and scale, scale, scale.

  • How to get more students completing your program (hello, high completion rates) and come back for more of your services, collect incredible testimonials.

  • What your role is in coaching the program so that you feel fulfilled and satisfied every day, and know you're making a difference.


Phase 3: Electrify

  • Build multiple touchpoints to get your students started, maintain their momentum, and FINISH! 

  • Create scalable and meaningful delights that matter (just WAIT until you receive an outpouring of thanks and WOW from your students!)

  • Watch your expert status rise, word of mouth referrals rise, and gain more visibility in your industry.


Phase 4: Catapult

  • Get your powerful program into your students' hands easily, painlessly, with automations and systems. 

  • How to run, maintain, and update your course with maximum efficiency. No more tech headaches!

  • Embracing the innovative leader that has space in your calendar to grow, lead, rest, and play (Decisions are clear and easy. Overwhelm is a thing of the past.)


Training Portal:

You’ll have access to all the trainings you need to build your program. You'll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and make consistent progress.


when you have a structure to put your program content together, you’ll know that you can actually deliver on the promise your program makes.


“Rochelle SAVED me! I couldn’t have done it without her. She took my vision and made it so much better than I realized was possible. The course we made meant so much to me, it’s my life’s work, and it was important to me that I do it right. She honored my vision, my hopes, and what was most important to me. She took what was in my head and pulled it out, organized it and made it real. I’m so proud of my course.”
— Marie S., Forbidden Adventure
“I could not have done this without you. My program is 1000x better than I ever dreamed of it being and after all my attempts on my own. I’ve never experienced a coach or any service provider being so committed to helping someone—I can tell how much you care, Rochelle, and I am completely blown away.”
— Navneet M., The Freedom Bridge
You’re a goddess! You gave me so much courage to release this course and helped me bring it to life when it was stuck in my head. I was so worried that others would judge me that I kept putting it off. You helped me make this course even more valuable than I had planned. Thank you!
— Mandy G., Project Illumination


What else do you get? (yes, there’s more!)


Systems & Organization

All the lovely resources you could ever want to organize the design, creation, and running of your program. Everything is ready to go for you in whimsical, Airtable bases & automations, project management (Asana), & Google Drive - including tutorials for navigating!


1:1 Coaching Calls

Work 1:1 with me to build out the various aspects of your program, get questions answered, customize your program, and develop and set up every piece. These calls are hosted every other week.

Pod Coaching Calls

Get questions answered, get custom help, practice new teaching skills, and work through challenges as they come up. You’ll be in an intimate group of 2-5 peers working through the program at the same time. These calls are hosted every other week.

There are SEVEN 1:1 Coaching Calls. Held every other week.

There are SEVEN Pod Coaching Calls. Held in the weeks between your 1:1 calls.


Implementation Weeks

You’ll have 1-2 implementation weeks for you and your pod to enjoy a holiday week, have a break, or focus intensely on your program project. You still have Voxer & Feedback access during the implementation weeks, there are no coaching calls held those weeks.

Note: During December, the last 2 weeks are implementation weeks since no one should be working then. Remember, you still have Voxer & Feedback access during these weeks. You may have 3 total implementation weeks.



You don’t have to wonder if you’re doing it “right.” You’ll get my eyes on your work so you can keep moving forward, refine your work, and create it with confidence and trust.


Voxer Access

1:1 VOXER WITH ROCHELLE: Get your questions answered, get feedback, and get personalized help so you never feel stuck and keep moving forward

POD VOXER GROUP: Awesome place to collaborate, try new things, get your questions answered, and ask for feedback so you can gain more confidence and have more forward movement. You’re not alone in this process!



Take the headache out of course creation with bonus trainings on how to create video lessons, how to shoot videos, working with video editors, creating various assets that you’ll need, and more - all components of building a program are covered so that you can focus your time and energy on the things that matter!

These trainings are found throughout your Client Portal + and entire and ever expanding library.


Want a sneak peek behind the scenes?

click the video to watch 👀


What my clients are saying…



Just imagine this with me...




Can you handle the Powerful Program Accelerator Pod?

Let’s leverage your time, build your course, and help your students reach their goals—they’re waiting for you.


 Questions People Ask Before saying “HECK YEAH!” to the Powerful Program Accelerator Pod

How long will it take me to build my program? 

This is really dependent on how BIG your program is, how much time you dedicate to working on it, and how committed you are to making it happen. You can build out your full program in 2 months, or you can take it easy and build it out in 6 months. 

How much time do I need to have/dedicate to work on this?

You need to have 3-5 hours/week to work on your program. But again, it’s up to you and how much time you want to dedicate to it. 

What other expenses can I expect?

Your course platform, possibly your course community (if not using FB group), email service (if not included in your course platform). Other optional expenses: Zapier, Airtable pro plan, etc. I’ll talk all about these in the course!

Will you help me launch and market my program?

We will spend a few weeks on launching your program. In the bonus trainings, there are some trainings and suggestions for launching and marketing, and I do have a library of resources to point you to of people I trust. Our main focus is creating and running your program.

Will your systems work with my course platform? Or any course platform?

Yes, my systems will work with any course platform. Some course platforms may be limited, so some workarounds may be needed, but while they may be needed, they're easy and manageable (tutorials baby)

Do I have to have my entire program created & uploaded before I can launch it?

Absolutely not! I recommend my students have 1/4-1/3 of their program created before they launch. You WILL plan it all out, in great detail from start to finish before you launch, but you don't have to have all of the content created & uploaded before the launch. 

This will give you wiggle room to get things done, make adjustments if needed, and take it at your own pace. I've had some clients launch with 2 modules ready to go, some with 6 modules, some with all modules, and some with 1 module. It's up to you ultimately!