what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours.png
what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours (1).png
what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours (2).png

Apply today–spots fill up fast!

what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours.gif

Good news!

I help my clients with those same problems every single day.

And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes.

Mistakes like...


Mistake #1: Not being super clear on the transformation

you provide—From start to finish.

Saying you want to help your people improve their mindset or live a balanced life is NOT being super clear.

When you lack clarity, your potential clients have NO CLUE as to what you can do for them. Why in the heck would they buy from you?

They can't understand their future transformation, so they'll look elsewhere.

Further, if you don't know the transformation, how can you, in integrity, say you can provide it for them?

If I'm picking blueberries, but have no idea if I'm making a pie, a crumble, yogurt, or dying fabric I cannot provide instructions for anyone else to do the same.

If you don't even know WHAT you're providing you cannot provide it.


mistake #2: Slapping up course content haphazardly.

(using the Minimum viable product idea as the reason)


“I wanna teach people to live their dream life and these are the things they need to hear me say...” is NOT a teaching strategy.

If you were building a bridge would it be enough to say: you need wood, nails, a saw, and varnish? You don't just give the ingredients to the bridge. You don't just say, here, swipe my template either. That's where bridges collapse, don't get finished, or look like something out of a horror movie.

You MUST approach each part of your course design intentionally and with a flowing, solid plan that they can follow again and again WITHOUT you having to be there. Without them having to copy your templates to get results. (reminds me of the saying… give a man a fish (template) he eats for a day… teach a man to fish (actual teaching) he eats for life?)


Mistake #3: Info dumping

Overwhelming them into inaction.

You have soooo much wisdom, experience and love to give. You wanna say it all. While I agree that your people deserve (and pay good money) to learn as much as they can from you, you cannot just spew out the information into one screen recording.

The worst advice I've heard is to keep it basic so you don't overwhelm them. They're paying you to teach them MORE THAN the basics. It's NOT more than the basics that's overwhelming them. It's HOW you're presenting it that is. The INFO DUMP is what's overwhelming them.

Don't fall into the trap of looking at other courses and copying their structure or listening to the stick to the basics advice. If you do that, I promise you, you will have MANY upset students. Think back to the courses you've enrolled in that left you upset. You hop in, ready to go, and look... it's the same basic crap you already know (or worse, have 3 other courses with the same damn content in it).

You want your students to rave about you? Love you? Promote you without even asking them to? Get real transformation?

Then build intentional, strategic lessons that move your students through the problem to the solution using REAL teaching methods and learning modalities. The lessons will be the exact right length, using the best strategies to motivate your students to stay in the content and do the work.



  • There was a way to plan your entire course in a day...

  • You could finally have a stream of revenue that grew your business month after month after month...

  • You could increase your impact more and more every day, week, and month...

  • You could wake up to an inbox FILLED with thank you’s and testimonials from your beautiful students...

  • You could finally stop letting fear, doubt, and lack of clarity keep you from charging a premium price...

  • You could be seen as THE go-to expert in your niche because of the impact, visibility, and transformations your course will bring...

  • You could transform lives by sharing your knowledge, skills, and gifts with an ever-increasing audience...


All of that's possible inside…

High Ticket Course VIP Day

what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours (2).png

Apply today! Only a few spots remaining!


Who is this right for?



You're ready to leverage your time for more money.

You want to serve more people, but you can't add more hours to your calendar (and your bandwidth just can't take it on any more clients).

You have a tested and proven strategy and it's time to scale so you can reach more people.

A course adds another stream of revenue, a great way to qualify potential 1:1 clients, and gives you limitless opportunities for growth.



If you want to start growing your impact and start bringing in income right away, a course is your answer.

You build your expertise, your business, your testimonials from the start so you can quickly add new students, more money, and faster growth.

With a signature course, you can easily and quickly grow your product suite to extend the lifetime value of each customer, right from day 1.



Already have a course out in the world? Awesome. Many of my clients want to either expand their program, update it, or deepen its impact and depth for a greater transformation.

Expanding and deepening and updating your course will allow you to confidently raise your prices and know you're giving them massive value.

Your students will love you and be grateful that you are putting time and energy into them.

Their trust in you and your method will increase. Their results will. And your testimonials will more than double.


Basically, this is for you if...


On the flip-side...

This is NOT for you if...


Hi, I’m rochelle!

I'm a High-Ticket Course Coach who works with digital CEOs to build premium priced courses so that they can increase their revenue and their impact..

I'm a mother of six children (ages 5-15). My favorite things to nerd out about are reading (all the books), writing (fiction), puzzles, antiques, and all things British.

But perhaps more relevant to you, I'm a seasoned teacher and coach, with 20 years of teaching experience.

I ran an online business for 9 years. In those 9 years, I created 26 different courses and taught over 33,500 students.

My students kept coming back for more of my courses. They finished the courses they enrolled in. They sent more of their friends my way without me asking. Every single day I had a new person tell me that my course saved them from giving up.

I also published 4 books, all of which are best-sellers.

Nowadays, I help my fellow course creators have the same success for their business and their students. I help you build a high-ticket course so you can be the go-to expert in your niche.

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what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours (3).png
  • Using the Zone Amplifier, you'll discover the scope of your course (so that you know what is going in the course, save you time, eliminate doubt, & confidently charge high prices)

  • Solidify your vision & goals (so that you can build a course that fulfills your vision & goal rather than building something you hate, resent, or have to scrap and start over later on)

  • Identify where your students are starting and where you’ll take them (so you can create a course that speaks to their real needs and understand what they need to transform)

  • Develop the bridge to get them from pain to transformation (so that you can actually deliver on the transformation you promised) with the Bridge Formula.

    By the end of Session 1, you'll know exactly WHO you're serving, HOW you're serving, and your Secret Sauce to get your clients results!

  • You'll use the P.M.L. System to build the framework of your course. You'll do this so that you can deliver the BEST content to your clients. No more worrying if you cover everything, too much, or too little.

  • Using your Secret Sauce, you'll feel confident that your course is worthy of the high price tag you put on it.

  • Together, we'll structure, outline, and organize your course for clarity, motivation, completion, and student success.

    By the end of Session 2, you'll have a concrete ROADMAP for exactly WHAT your course will be.

  • You'll use the So What Method to move your students from not knowing how to move through their problem and struggle to not only learning, understanding but applying it.

  • We'll take your knowledge, experience, and wisdom and plan out WHAT you're going to teach & HOW you'll move them through the content for massive, lasting transformation.

  • This stage will set you apart as a teacher that gets results, the delivers on her promises.

    By the end of session 3, you'll have each lesson outlined and ready to create for your course.

    You'll know what you're teaching in each lesson, what your students will gain from each lesson, and what you need to do to make it a reality. Your sales page will practically write itself.


Apply today! Spots fill up quick.

what if you could map out your entire course in just 5 hours (4).png

Zone Amplifier ($150 value)

The step-by-step system to structure your course that builds your business as you envision & supports your students' journey.


Bridge Formula ($1000 value)

My method for building a unique course that gets your students from their pain to their solution & creates your Secret Sauce


P.M.L. System ($150 value)

My method to organize the flow and structure of your entire course for ease, motivation, and completion


So What Method ($1000 value)

My proprietary method to build easy lesson for lasting transformation and results (& easy creation)


Post VIP Day Action Plan ($200 value)

An at-a-glance plan of action to create and launch your course from start to finish. Detailed with steps, checklist, categories, and priorities


48-Hour Voxer Access ($500 value)

Before and after the VIP day to ask questions, share ideas, and further support.


Kickoff Call ($300 value)

The call before our VIP Day to set the agenda, prepare for our time together, and focus on our priorities and project.


Follow Up Call ($300 value)

Your opportunity for further support on the action items from the VIP day.


Pre-Work Training ($1000 value)

Customized training and pre-work to prepare you for our VIP day so we can use every second to maximum effect


Don’t wait, spots fill up fast!


Got questions? I've got answers!


What will my VIP Day be like?

Before your VIP day begins, we'll build out the agenda of what is going to really move you forward fastest and where you need the most support & guidance.

During the call, we'll begin working through each step in my 3-step process that will create the program that matches your vision and the transformation you want to provide your clients. Our 5-hour VIP day will be broken up into 3 sessions with 2 short breaks in between.

We'll be on Zoom and we'll chat face-to-face, and have shared documents that we'll work on together (both have live access) via screen sharing.

We'll discuss, brainstorm, probe deeper, dig deep, and get playful in our creation of your stellar program.

We'll keep your values, vision, goals, and unique approach at the center of every decision we make.

There will be two breaks throughout our time together to allow for individual work, a brain break, a bathroom break, and to eat.

You'll leave your VIP day with a fully fleshed out plan that you only have to implement.


Will we really be able to get it done in 5 hours?

If I didn't think we could get your program built in 5-hours, I will have told you that after receiving your application.

If you do the prep-work I assign you before the meeting, we'll get it done in those 5 hours. In fact, if you do not do your prep work, you forfeit your spot. That's how serious it is to do the prep work. That prep work will be customized to your program and where you're starting.

If, for some strange reason, we do not get everything done in those 5 hours, we will either extend the time or schedule a short meeting to tie up any loose ends (at no additional cost). This is very rare.

Bottom line, know that you and your program are extremely important to me and I will take care of your precious vision as if it were my own.


What if I need help after the VIP Day?

We do have a 30-minute follow up call (and don't forget your 48-hour before & after Voxer access) that you can use to get help, ask questions, or move on to the next part you're working on.

If you need help beyond that 30-minute follow up call with a different aspect of your program building that wasn't covered in our VIP day (due to priorities), you have a few options. Some clients choose to book a second VIP day or book a few extra hours with me as needed (for different aspects of their projects).


What's your refund policy?

Due to the live nature of the VIP day, there are no refunds or cancellations.


When do we have our VIP Day?

Once you have secured your spot for the VIP day (signed contract & paid invoice), you will be sent the link to book your Kickoff call AND your VIP day.

Your VIP day can be held during the week or on the weekend, as is available. As there is some pre-work required, we'll schedule your call to acomodate this.


What if I don't know what I want to do for my course yet?

It's important that you know what you want and can teach before we build out your course. Spend some time nailing down what you want to teach before you book your VIP day with me. If you need help, I do have a special What Should I Teach coaching session, where I'll help you identify what you're going to teach, how you're going to stand out, and what your secret sauce is. Click the link to check it out.


I'm SO ready. What do I do now?

Ah, what a great question with a super simple answer!
Just click right here to apply for your VIP day.
Once I have received this, and we're a good fit, I'll contact you within 24 business hours with your next steps.

(Securing spot, booking our calls, and your pre-training sent to you).


If you've read this far...

You have TWO options:

Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own (copying other courses)...

Of, finally have a proven method for creating and building your transformational, premium-priced course so you can finally increase your income and impact.

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Imagine where you could be just one vip day from now.

You're ready to finally get your course out of your head and out into the world.
You're ready to stop stalling and getting stuck in that dang overthinking cycle.
You're ready to start taking action using proven methods and strategies that will help you go further faster.
You're ready to help MORE people in bigger ways and make MORE money!
You're ready for a way to make it happen with less stress, less overwhelm, and less second-guessing.
You're ready for a way to get there with more joy, more alignment, and more fun!
You're ready for the High Ticket Course VIP Day